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Purchasing our software or becoming a Kepler integration partner is a multi-year commitment. It is not like buying a bunch of bananas. It is more like picking the secondary school for your first child. You do so with a lot of care.

On the other pages of this website, you can find information about our software and our company. The web pages are designed for quick scrolling, and its content is optimized for search engines. However, if I were you, I would also require in-depth information about us in a long-read format.

For that reason, I write these CEO blogs. I write them to you in the way I myself would like to gain information when I am about to make a long-term commitment. My blogs are, therefore, not reviewed by legal or marketing.

I hope these blogs help you to decide to do business with us.

Dr Harro Stokman, CEO and founder of Kepler Vision Technologies.